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Based in London, Ontario, Digital Perk has years of experience in print and digital marketing fields. Our digital marketing staff are experienced online media advertisers, HTML ready, project managers, and social gurus.

We bring creativity to every project and know how to target your ads to get the best, most relevant results.


Why we love digital.

Digital is ever-changing. There are always new ideas out there, and nothing on the internet is the same day-in and day-out. There is always something new to discover online, and that is why we love digital; it keeps us on our toes! We might not know everything out there (pfft, who does?) but we always keep up to date and adapting.

Online advertising also offers an opportunity to really evaluate your customers, understand how they are finding you online and how they interact. You can target your ads very selectively online so you aren’t overspending on mass marketing tactics.


One thing we want everyone to know.

When you post to Facebook and Instagram your post is not shown to all of your followers! It is reported that on average a post will only be shown to about 6% of your followers (and can be as low as 2%!).